How were you Made?!
We know we are a body/soul composite. Body and soul. Each equal, beautiful, dignified and necessary. Jesus, taking on a human body hammers this home for us for any doubting areas of our mind.
But we also know we are not our bodies. Our bodies fail us, they get sick, they break, and while we honor and care for them, we know that we are more than just our bodies, we are also our soul.
While it is through our bodies that we live out our calling to be saints, it is in the soul that we choose how to respond to that call, because it is here that our freedom lies. And as we know from the great Victor Frankyl,
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
So it is this aspect of the human person of which I speak, the inner terrain in which lies our power of choice and our freedom that we will reflect upon the way in which we are
We were Made in God's image. From the beginning of time, before Christ took on a body, we were Made in His image, according to Genesis 1:26, so what does that mean?
“Let us make humankind in our image..." Gen 1:26
In a nutshell, I have found the answer to be something like this,
We were Made with a Mind with which to Know and a Heart with which to Love all that is
True, Good and Beautiful.
We were Made with an Intellect and Will, these capacities of our Soul that give us the ability to think, to reason, to think about our thinking (to discern), and to Choose. We always have the freedom to think and to Choose and in fact this is how we love. The only way we can love, is to choose to do so freely, which is the highest call of the Christian life.
So, we were Made by Love itself, in order to Know and to Choose to Love and in doing so, we align ourselves with all that is Good, True and Beautiful.
And upon reflecting back to your own life, a really quick spot check question before confession might be "where have I failed to align my heart with what I know to be true, good and beautiful?" And once you notice those parts of your heart that know one thing and choose the other, reach out for coaching to help you understand why, to know your inmost parts, appreciate their stories and seemingly conflicting needs, to honor them and help them to heal and integrate into a united heart.
God Bless,
Catholic Mindset and Interior Life Coach
"Know O beautiful soul that you are the image of God, know that you are the Glory of God...and the Glory of God is man fully alive!"
Sts. Ambrose of Milan
Irenaus of Lyons